Basabasa Soukousoukou Sounds Favoriting : Playlist from July 18, 2023

Hosted by:

Carine Au Micro


Since the early 1990s, Basa has featured Africa as the heart and soul of global music while delving into different aspects of African life and culture.

Basa means pandemonium and sometimes the listener can sense that while tuned in, harnessed in a way that conveys the energy and passion behind the music. You might hear anything from politics to poetry, story-telling, food and anything to do with African life during the show. However, music will always be the main focus of Basa; music is the message.

Every Tuesday 9 - 11am (EDT)

Favoriting July 18, 2023

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Listener chat!

  10:26am Mariane:

Salut! Merci pour l'emission! J'aimerais bien entendre Sandy B, la chanson qhum qhaks!
  Generated by KenzoDB, written by Ken Garson