Amandla Favoriting : Playlist from April 26, 2023

Hosted by:

Gwendolyn Schulman







On the air since 1987, Amandla is a weekly African current affairs program founded in response to racist and misleading mainstream media coverage of Southern Africa.

Since then, the team has expanded the show’s mandate to cover the entire continent, to take stories past the headlines of the mainstream media to show the complexity, creativity, courage and vision of Africans as they confront their colonial past and neo-colonial present.

Other collaborators include Sama Elibyari, Mouloud Idir, Roberto Nieto, Zahra Moloo and Sophie Toupin.

(External site link.)

Favoriting April 26, 2023: Duha Elmardi with Sudan Update and DAWN Feminist Senegal PPP

Sudan Update Duha el Mardi has been a strong and articulate supporter of the democratic forces in 2018-2019 in Sudan since that led to the ousting of the brutal dictator, Omar al Bashir. She contextualizes the current military in-fighting and its impact on the struggle for democracy. DAWN, l'impressionnant collectif féministe, a rassemblé une série de présentations très puissantes dénonçant la façon dont les PPP perpétuent les relations coloniales avec l'Afrique. Dans cet épisode, "Le cas du Sénégal", deux chercheuses féministes montrent comment ce modèle au Sénégal, sous la forme d'une nouvelle autoroute, a eu un impact extrêmement négatif sur les femmes.

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Artist Track Album Comments Images
Show opening music - Bayete  Africa Unite   Favoriting          
Show intro  Doug & Gwen   Favoriting          
Duha elMardi  Gwen interview   Favoriting   Duha el Mardi has been a strong and articulate supporter of the democratic forces in 2018-2019 in Sudan since that led to the ousting of the brutal dictator, Omar al Bashir. She contextualises the current military in-fighting and its impact on the struggle for democracy.     
Harry Belafonte  Show me the Way My Brother (Iph'indela) Zula   Favoriting Harry Belafonte and Miriam Makeba  Harry Belafonte died on April 25 after along career in music and acting and his tireless work promoting human rights.       
DAWN Feminist <>  Old Dogs, New Tricks - The Case of Senegal (FR)   Favoriting   DAWN, l'impressionnant collectif féministe, a rassemblé une série de présentations très puissantes dénonçant la façon dont les PPP perpétuent les relations coloniales avec l'Afrique. Dans cet épisode, "Le cas du Sénégal", deux chercheuses féministes montrent comment ce modèle au Sénégal, sous la forme d'une nouvelle autoroute, a eu un impact extrêmement négatif sur les femmes.     
  Grandola Vila Morena     April 24 was the Portuguese Carnation Revolution that ended many decades of fascist dictatorship. The song was broadcast as a signal to start the uprising.       

  Generated by KenzoDB, written by Ken Garson