LegalEase Favoriting : Playlist from May 12, 2023

The McGill Legal Information Clinic founded LegalEase in 1989 by expanding its services to the radio waves, discussing legal topics of interest to the community. LegalEase is currently broadcast by a RadLaw, a collective of law students at McGill.

This monthly radio show explores the law and its institutions with a critical lens. It aims to make the law both accessible and engaging.

LegalEase est une émission consacrée au droit qui vise à en rendre le jargon plus accessible tout en évaluant de manière critique ses institutions.

(External site link.)

Every 2nd Friday of the month, 11am - Noon (EDT)

Favoriting May 12, 2023: Dispatch from Rad Law's Movement Lawyering Event in March

This episode of LegalEase is a dispatch from the first half of RadLaw's Movement Lawyering Event in March. Speakers included Sima Atri, Eugene Kung, Beth Kotierk, Mei Chiu, and Coline Bellefleur.

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