World Skip The Beat Favoriting : Playlist from June 5, 2023

Hosted by:

CKUT Music Collective


DJ Yabi



Nelly Gravy

One of CKUT's collectively-hosted music shows, World Skip the Beat focuses on international artists and aims to explore the roots of traditional music from around the globe.

Compliment the current international music programming on CKUT’s airwaves while expanding listeners’ horizons by uncovering the relationships between different global music traditions, World Skip has weekly international music event listings, an emphasis on releases from “anywhere but here,” and a collective structure with different producers from CKUT's Music Department volunteer community every week.

Every Monday Noon - 2pm (EDT)

Favoriting June 5, 2023: Soviet Post-Punk & Art Rock (1979 - 1991) with Alissa

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Playlist image Favoriting
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Artist Track Album Year Comments Images
Кино  Кончится лето   Черный альбом  1990  Song: Konchitsa leto (‘Summer will end’), Album: Chernjy al’bom (‘Black Album’), Artist: Kino (‘Cinema’). The Black Album was Kino's eighth and last studio album. The frontman Viktor Tsoi and guitarist Yuri Kasparyan recorded a demo in the summer of 1990. After recording it, Tsoi tragically died in a car accident, and so the rest of the band completed the album without him using surviving material.     
Гражданская Оборона  На наших глазах   Оптимизм  1985  Song: Na nashih glazakh (‘In front of our eyes’), Album: Optimism, Artist: Grazhdanskaya Oborona (‘Civil Defense’)     
Автоматические Удовлетворители  Проблемы   Автоматические Удовлетворители  1988  Song: ‘Problems’, Album: Avtomaticheskie udovletvoriteli (‘The Automatic Satisfiers’), Artist: Avtomaticheskie udovletvoriteli (‘The Automatic Satisfiers’). Check out the full album:      
АукцЫон  День победы   Бодун  1991  Song: Den’ pobedj (‘Victory Day’), Album: Bodun (‘Hangover’), Artist: Auktyon (‘Auction’)     
Алиса  Волна   Энергия  1986  Song: Volna (‘Wave’), Album: 'Energy', Artist: 'Alisa'     
Звуки Му  Серый голубь   Простые вещи  1988  Song: Serjy golub’ (‘Gray pigeon’), Album: Prostye Veshi (‘Simple Things’), Artist: Zvuki Mu (‘Sounds of Moo’). The lead singer and songwriter of the band, Pyotr Mamonov, was considered one of the most eccentric figures in the music scene for his intense on-stage presence and playful vocals. You can see some of it in this brilliant music video for Zvuki Mu's song "Грубый закат" (which, by the way, the National based their music video for their song "Sea of Love" from).      
Воскресение 1  Друзья   Воскресение  1979  Song: Druz’a (‘Friends’), Album: Voskresenie 1 (‘Sunday 1’), Artist: Voskresenie (‘Sunday’)     
Кино  Звезда   Черный альбом  1990  Song: Zvezda (‘Star’), Album: Chernjy al’bom (‘Black Album’), Artist: Kino (‘Cinema’)     
Гражданская Оборона  Я блюю на ваши дела   Оптимизм  1985  Song: Ya blyuyu na vashi dela (‘I puke on your busyness’), Album: Optimism, Artist: Grazhdanskaya Oborona (‘Civil Defense’)     
Наутилус Помпилиус  Хлоп-хлоп   Разлука  1986  Song: Hlop-hlop (‘Smack smack’), Album: Razluka (‘Separation’), Artist: Nautilus Pompilius     
Браво  Верю я   Браво  1987  Song: Veryu ya (‘I Believe’), Album: ‘Bravo’, Artist: ‘Bravo’     
Аквариум  Аристократ   Табу  1982  Song: ‘Aristocrat’, Album: ‘Taboo’, Artist: ‘Aquarium’     
Звуки Му  Шуба-Дуба Блюз   Простые Вещи  1988  Song: Shuba-Duba Blues, Album: Prostye Veshi (‘Simple Things’), Artist: Zvuki Mu (‘Sounds of Moo’)     
Гражданская Оборона  Хватит!   Погоная молодёж  1985  Song: Hvatit! (Enough!’), Album: Pogonaya Molodyozh (‘Filthy Youth’), Artist: Grazhdanskaya Oborona / (‘Civil Defense’)     
Гражданская Оборона  Зоопарк   Погоная молодёж  2005 (Re-release)  Song: Zoopark (‘Zoo’), Album: Pogonaya Molodyozh / (‘Filthy Youth’), Grazhdanskaya Oborona (‘Civil Defense’). Lead singer Yegor Letov has cited a vast range of Western influences on the band's sound: 60s garage and psychedelic rock, Butthole Surfers, the Residents, Sonic Youth, Love, Television, Ramones, Bob Dylan, Arthur Lee, and Patti Smith, among others.     
Настя  Клипсо-Калипсо   Тацу  1987  Song: ‘Clipso-Calypso’, Album: 'Tatsu', Artist: 'Nastya'     
Кино  Звезда по имени Солнце   Звезда по имени Солнце  1989  Song: Zvezda po imeni Solntse (‘A Star Called the Sun’), Album: Zvezda po imeni Solntse (‘A Star Called the Sun’), Artist: Kino (‘Cinema’)     
Янка и Великие Октябри  На чёрный день   Деклассированным элементам  1988  Song: Na chernyi den’ (‘For a rainy day’), Album: ‘Declassified Elements’, Artist: 'Yanka & Great October'. Shout out to Nic for showing me this great tune!     
Гражданская Оборона  В эту ночь   Панк и Рок и ролл  1985  Song: V etu noch’ (‘On This Night’), Album: ‘Punk and Rock and Roll’, Artist: Grazhdanskaya Oborona (‘Civil Defense’)     
Наутилус Помпилиус  Наша семья   Разлука  1986  Song: Nasha semya (‘Our Family’), Album: Razluka (‘Separation’), Artist: Nautilus Pompilius. And hеre's an English translation of the song's first two verses: In our family, everyone does something, / But no one knows what somebody next to them are doing. / Seems like, as if we are assembling / A machine, that will crush us all. / Our family is a strange thing / That’s always standing behind us. / I just want to be free, that’s it, / But that means leaving my family. Take a look at the band performing this song live in 1987:      
АукцЫон  Охотник   Как я стал предателем  1989  Song: Ohotnik (‘Hunter’), Album: Kak ya stal predatelem (‘How I Became a Traitor’), Artist: Auktyon (‘Auction’)     
Аквариум  Радио Шао Линь   Радио Африка  1983  Song: ‘Radio Shaolin’, Album: ‘Radio Africa’, Artist: 'Aquarium'     
ДДТ  Периферия.   Периферия  1984  Song: ‘Periphery.’, Album: ‘Periphery’, Artist: 'DDT'     
Янка и Великие Октябри  Декорации   Деклассированным элементам  1988  Song: ‘Decorations’, Album: ‘Declassified Elements’, Artist: 'Yanka & Great October'     
Автоматические Удовлетворители  Я позвоню тебе   Автоматические Удовлетворители  1988  Song: Ya pozvonyu tebe (‘I’ll Call You’), Album: Avtomaticheskie udovletvoriteli (‘The Automatic Satisfiers’), Artist: Avtomaticheskie udovletvoriteli (‘The Automatic Satisfiers’)     
Наутилус Помпилиус  Превращение   Неведимка  1985  Song: Prevrashenye (‘Transformation’), Album: Nevedimka (‘Invisible’), Artist: Nautilus Pompilius     
Кино  Кукушка   Черный альбом  1990  Song: Kukushka (‘Cuckoo’), Album: Chernjy al’bom (‘Black Album’), Artist: Kino (‘Cinema’). Here is an English translation of the song lyrics (of course, it's hard to convey the same poeticism of the words from the original language): How many songs are still unwritten? / Tell me, cuckoo. Sing them. / Should I live in the city, or in the village, / Sit like a rock, or shine like a star? / Like a star... / My sun - look at me, / My hand has turned into a fist, / And if you have gunpowder, then fire away. / Like this... / Who will go on the lonely trail / Strong and brave heads they've put in the field, in the battle. / Few are still clearly remembered, / With a sober mind and a firm hand, marching, / Marching... / My sun - look at me, / My hand has turned into a fist, / And if you have gunpowder, then fire away. / Like this... / So where are you now, free will? / And who are you watching the tender sunrise with now? Answer me. / Good to be with you, and bad without you, / Head and shoulders patient under the whip, / Under the whip... / My sun - look at me, / My hand has turned into a fist, / And if you have gunpowder, then fire away. / Like this...     
Кино  Спокойная ночь   Группа крови  1988  Song: Spokoynaya Noch’ (‘A Quiet Night’), Album: Gruppa Krovi (‘Blood Type’) Artist: Kino (‘Cinema’). I found a recording of Viktor Tsoi's last show with Kino in Moscow in 1990. You can watch the whole thing here:      

Listener chat!

Avatar 1:19pm schoolband:

Thanks for evoking memories! For a moment, I felt young and cool again, full of hope and the feeling of freedom...
Avatar 1:22pm alissa:

That makes me so happy to hear! :-) Thanks for tuning in
  1:28pm Emanuel:

Interesting episode, thanks for putting the references on the tracklist!
Avatar 1:31pm alissa:

Thank you! I'm also going to add some lyrical translations, links to live performances, and other annotations after the show :-)
  1:46pm Kailas:

Loving this <3
Avatar 1:49pm Teo:

Very cool artworks too!
Avatar 1:50pm alissa:

Thanks for tuning in <3
  1:58pm Erp:

Ah there, I registered in to CKUT, and a listener since early 90's. Enjoying your show very much. I knew only Zvuki Mu. Listening to your anecdotes and explanations of Russian life And, Your excellent speaking conveyance is the bigger joy to follow, for me. Your level tone and calm voice are a natural. No stumbling. Ums and errs eliminated. No fancy goofiness. No political bias. Focused on the music and what life was like for the musicians. So cool, You're good. First time I heard you, are you new to CKUT? What's your name?
Well I've been thinking a lot about Russia and Ukraine every day for a good while now. And Your courage and steady hand keeps me listening (instead of NPR or CBC now) to you and thinking more again on how I think and feel about Russian people, so far away. I never knew anyone Russian. Me, born USA, lived mostly here in Montréal, 62y. So I still have my Zvuki Mu cassette from about 1992? Heard it first livin' in NS. Thank You again. I welcome you to reply, if you would welcome my thoughts about my thoughts about the PEOPLE I really know little about, and how the War enters into just one person's perception. Humbly, i'm being courageous too. You don't have to. But There it is! Okay so long...
Avatar 7:58pm alissa:

Thank you so much for the kinds words, and I'm really glad you enjoyed the show! My name's Alissa, and I started getting involved with CKUT in late 2022 and hosting earlier this spring. Very cool that you heard Zvuki Mu back in 92!
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