Amandla Favoriting : Playlist from July 26, 2023

Hosted by:

Gwendolyn Schulman







On the air since 1987, Amandla is a weekly African current affairs program founded in response to racist and misleading mainstream media coverage of Southern Africa.

Since then, the team has expanded the show’s mandate to cover the entire continent, to take stories past the headlines of the mainstream media to show the complexity, creativity, courage and vision of Africans as they confront their colonial past and neo-colonial present.

Other collaborators include Sama Elibyari, Mouloud Idir, Roberto Nieto, Zahra Moloo and Sophie Toupin.

(External site link.)

Favoriting July 26, 2023: Samaa Elibyari interviews Mischek Jere, affiliated with Reprieve in the UK, about their efforts to have the government abolish the death penalty.
Samaa discusses Nasser's legacy after 1952 with Egyptian political analyst Mohamed Sherif Kamel.

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Artist Track Comments Images
Bayete  Africa Unite   Favoriting        
Doug Miller  Show intro   Favoriting        
Lucius Banda  Tigwirane manja   Favoriting        
Samaa Elibyari  Interviews Mishek Jere from Malawi   Favoriting The death penalty is part of a penal system imposed by the British on the people of Malawi and other former colonies. Samaa Elibyari interviews Mischek Jere, based in Malawi, and affiliated with Reprieve in the UK, about their efforts to have the government abolish the death penalty.       
Al Watan Al Akbar  PanArabic Patriotic Anthem   Favoriting        
Samaa Elibyari  interviews Mohamed Sherif Kamel   Favoriting On July 23, 1952, Gamal Abdel Nasser and 89 other Officers staged a coup d’état, ousting the monarchy then headed by King Farouk. He ruled Egypt from 1954 till his death in 1970. Of all the Arab leaders of the past century, few had such a lasting impact that extended to other Arab countries as had Nasser. His legacy is hotly debated.       
Al Watan Al Akbar  PanArabic Patriotic Anthem   Favoriting        
Doug Miller  Station ID and Amandla marker   Favoriting        
Thomas Mapfumo  Kuyaura 1974   Favoriting He sang at the Independence Day Celebrations in April 1980 along with Bob Marley.       
Doug Miller  Tribute to mark Thomas Mapfumo's retirement from public performance   Favoriting After five decades on the stage, one of the continent’s great musical innovators, and an outspoken critic of corrupt politics, takes his last bow – in exile, because it was too dangerous to go home.     
Thomas Mapfumo  Hondo "War"   Favoriting Mapfumo was detained by the Rhodesian police for promoting the liberation war. Later he was detained for criticising the corruption of Magube's regime       
Doug Miller  Outro   Favoriting        
PSA 1  Pub Rara - Haiti en Folie 2023   Favoriting        
Bayete  Africa Unite   Favoriting        

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