Radio Is Dead Favoriting : Playlist from August 21, 2023

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Radio is Dead is a space to foster and showcase creative and experimental radio production by amateur and veteran CKUT volunteers. The broadcasts are often improvised live in the studio and can contain anything from recent digital audio editing experiments, sound collages, electroacoustic compositions, no-input mixer jams, analog effects chain tests, homemade synthesizer workouts... basically anything that involves playing with audio signals.

Every Monday 2 - 3pm (EDT)

Favoriting August 21, 2023: Radia 959 & 958

Show 959: RADioArt Version2024 (by Chuse Fernandez, TEA FM Radio Workshop) Radio Art contributes to new media art – a digitally driven art movement growing in response to the informative technological revolution we live in. “From the artist’s point of view radio is an environment to be entered into and acted upon, a site for various cultural voices to meet, converse, and merge in. These artists cross disciplines, raid all genres and recontextualize them into hybrids.” This piece is a compendium of works carried out in the Sound Art course of the TEA FM Radio School held in Zaragoza in the spring of 2023. Show 958: Coming up for air (Radio Orange 94.0) Oops, something has happened! The microphone fell into the water. Quel Malheur! Thank goodness our special guest Stefan Nussbaumer shrink-wrapped the microphones and nothing happened to them. So, by chance and without intention, exciting worlds of sound opened up that we don’t want to deprive you of. A really wet programme by Karl Schönswetter, Stefan Nussbauer, Barbara Kaiser, Barbara Huber, Milada Huber and Nikola Huber.

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  Generated by KenzoDB, written by Ken Garson