Listen! You Smell Something? Favoriting : Playlist from September 29, 2023

Hosted by:

Jogic Lohnson


Feels like 1976… 3 hours a week of straight funk by the earful / noseful, with all the necessary side steps into blues and soul down the buffet line. Old school by trade, showcasing equal parts classic, dusty and buried grooves, with a soft spot for blaxploitation soundtracks. Drizzled with offbeat repartee and the occasional conspiracy report.

Good for mild to moderate ennui as well as stiffness of the neck and feet.

Every Friday 1 - 4am (EST)

Favoriting September 29, 2023

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Listener chat!

  1:40am Stephane Alarie:

I return at my home and you play some thing. And want to know what it is. between 1h15 and 1h27 its a segment i herd in pump up the volume segment.
  1:55am Stephane Alarie:

Je viens de devenir adepte de cette émission. Ca sent bon. Je suis dans la piscine avec un verre de rhum et ma semaine est terminé. ce qu'il me manquait ---- La musique Hé voila.
  2:45am Stephane Alarie:

Sorti de la piscine et toujours a l'écoute. A Greenfeld park Fait pas chaud.
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