Skewing The Waves Favoriting : Playlist from October 21, 2023

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Coverage of what’s new and happening in the no wave/new wave/post punk scene. This music scene and style has evolved hugely since its origin in the 1970s– many contemporary bands make similar music to the bands of the 70s, but others have incorporated other styles and elements to it. These bands try to push the limits of weird and pop, and the importance they have will probably never be recognized.

Skewing the Waves aims to expose relatively unknown bands from Montreal and abroad and provide a much-needed platform for these bands to get heard.

Tune in, turn on and get skewed…

Every Saturday 11pm - Midnight (EDT)

Favoriting October 21, 2023: Halloween Horror {part one}

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Program image Favoriting
(✓ = new, ㏄ = CanCon)

Artist Album
Rick Wilkins  "the Changeling" [soundtrack]     

  Generated by KenzoDB, written by Ken Garson