You Need A Heart To Live 2 Favoriting : Playlist from August 1, 2019

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Originally the comedown vibe after the Off The Hook phones hung up for the night - You Need A Heart To Live 2 now brings that downshifting-in-a-sedan-on-the-neon-streets vibe to CKUT's madball Thursdays. Smoky afternoon vibes on a Thursday late night tip or reckless fast tempos while you're trying to slow down for Friday incoming. DJ Spence and his multispeed crew at the controls - you're in good hands.

(External site link.)

Every other Thursday 11pm - 1am (EDT)

Favoriting August 1, 2019: SnP 500 Studio Sendoff

This video is from the last day in our music studio, while we boxed up records and gear and started recording this SnP 500 mix. There’s the hallway of the building, and then the inside of our studio - the hallway loops around to all the dozen or so other studios. The place always sounded like music and always smelled absolutely positively dank. The owner of the building is renovating and turning it into an office for a video game company and all the tenants got bounced out. We have a temporary studio now and are looking for a new home for September. This spot was our first studio and our first time having a place like this to be able to go, whenever you wanted to go somewhere. Lots of communal gear, the ability to make noise and yell and DJ and see your friends. We made a lot of music here, including the first two Doo records, the majority of songs from this mix, and many others we're still listening to - we'll try to post some jam video clips soon. We are going to miss it! And we are looking forward to spending lots of time somewhere else that feels just as good.

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  Generated by KenzoDB, written by Ken Garson