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& &A show featuring events, research, campaigns, issues and more at McGill. Tune in for student perspectives on life in Montreal, hosted by a different crew of volunteers each year.
Do you have anything you want to talk about on the show? That’s great! We’d love to have you! We’d love to talk about your research, upcoming events, general issues at McGill, clubs and services - all of the things!
Email to get involved.
Every Monday
11am - Noon
February 5, 2024: Mcsway Open Mic with Titouan & Student Strikes with Sequoia
Greetings, literary enthusiasts!
Join me this week as we venture into the heart of McGill's literary circle: Mcsway Poetry Collective. A poetic haven, Mcsway regularly holds workshops and open mics, weaving its essence into McGill's vibrant creative community. I attended their inaugural open mic this winter semester to immerse myself in the ambiance and unravel the tales behind this marvelous club and its dedicated team. Stay tuned for an exploration of literary delights!
For the second part of the show, we talk about an all-too-familiar subject at All Things McGill: the tuition hike. Sequoia Kim reported on the student striking against this tuition hike that will profoundly hurt the state of education in Quebec.
Student Strickes with the News Collective
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