5th Week Programming Favoriting : Playlist from January 31, 2024

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For the timeslots where there's a different show each week of the month, if there's a 5th week, we rebroadcast some of our favourite programming from the month.

Every 5th Wednesday of the month, 6 - 7pm (EDT)
Every 5th Thursday of the month, 5 - 6pm (EDT)
Every 5th Friday of the month, 11am - Noon (EDT)
Every 5th Friday of the month, 2 - 3pm (EDT)
Every 5th Friday of the month, 5 - 6pm (EDT)

Favoriting January 31, 2024: Audio Vigil for Palestine

A CURATION OF VOICES extracted FROM SOCIAL MEDIA SOURCES during the past 3+ months , all WITNESSING / TESTIFYING about the ethnic cleansing happening in occupied Palestine. Journalists, artists, academics, diplomats, lawyers, civilians on the ground.Mainly expressing IN ENGLISH on social media platforms to bypass the Western Media narrative. https://sites.google.com/view/radiovigil/

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  Generated by KenzoDB, written by Ken Garson