Queercorps Favoriting : Playlist from March 25, 2024

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Airing weekly since 1991, Queercorps takes to the airwaves to address a variety of issues in and around the Montréal's LGBTQIA2S+ communities. Current host Onyx interviews local queer musicians live on air.

In its previous iteration in 2022/23, host Miss Chris took your calls live on the air, and her and her guests discussed the queer underground scene in Montreal. "Tell her something good and she'll tell you something better."

We also have archives of Queercorps going back to the 90s-- get in touch if you would like to check them out!

(External site link.)

Every Monday 6 - 7pm (EDT)

Favoriting March 25, 2024: From the Archives: The Sex Garage Time Capsule Episode

From CKUT's vaults: the Queercorps Sex Garage Special

Josh Marquis, host of the radio show QueerCorps, interviews ex CKUT staff and former host of QueerCorps and Schmoozing, Puelo Dier and photographer Linda Dawn Hammond about the infamous event known as Sex Garage that galvanized the queer community in July 1990.

Sex Garage was a loft party put on by Nicholas Jenkins. The event was raided by policemen who took off their badges and proceeded to arrest and beat participants. Linda Dawn Hammond took pictures of the raid and managed to get them to the La Presse and the Montreal Gazette. An incredible story of homophobia and fighting back.

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