Off The Hour: En Profondeur Favoriting : Playlist from April 29, 2024

Hosted by:

CKUT News Collective

La version francophone de Off The Hour, En Profondeur est une émission hebdomadaire d'information d'actualités et d'analyses. Off The Hour est une zone d'information sans entreprise qui reflète notre communauté parce qu'elle est faite par notre communauté.

Favoriting April 29, 2024: CKUT in Solidarity with the Popular University Encampment

An intergenerational discussion of the day's events at the Popular University Encampment on McGill campus.

In a historic move, a coalition of McGill, Concordia, UQAM and UdeM students and their supporters have joined the global anti-imperialist and anti-colonial campus encampment movement and have set up an indefinite encampment called the Popular University on the lower field of McGill campus to protest their universities’ continued investment in the Zionist regime during the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

CKUT is in solidarity with the encampment and will be providing regular coverage of developments on campus, so tune in on the FM, online, and on social media to stay informed and find out how to support the encampment.

All power to the people!

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