Soul Perspectives Favoriting : Playlist from November 29, 2022

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Soul Perspectives is a long-running program creating space for critical discussion about local, national and international issues of concern to Montreal’s Black community.

(External site link.)

Every Tuesday 7 - 8:30pm (EDT)

Favoriting November 29, 2022: Interview with Heal Black Man Founder: Harry Evans III

This week on Soul Perspectives we talk to Harry Evans, owner of HETRAINS LLC. integrates his knowledge as an athletic strength and conditioning specialist by designing individualized, progressive programs of cardiovascular, mobility, core, and strength training exercises for his clients based on their fitness goals. He helps clients master basic functional movements to improve their strength and to build a foundation for further gains.

In addition to his day job, he and his wife own a creative space (Everyday Studio MKE) that allows creatives who don't have a studio space to be able to rent and have a quality creative experience.

Furthermore, Harry is also the founder of Heal Black Man, a non profit platform that creates a safe space for black men to come and seek healing and better understanding of themselves. The goal is sharpening all black men all over the world and establishing a hub of resources for them to take advantage of as well as making it cool to practice healthy coping mechanisms. With things growing rapidly it appears that being a voice and advocate for the Black male community will soon become more of a full-time staple.

As a husband of 9 years to his high school sweetheart and father of 3 children under 6, things can get challenging to manage, but serving others and being an asset to the community is the one thing that truly fills his cup.

Follow him at @healblackman_

Tune in from 7-8.30pm to 90.3FM in Montreal, Quebec or

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  Generated by KenzoDB, written by Ken Garson