Hersay: In The Motherhood Favoriting : Playlist from July 17, 2024

Hosted by:

Robyn Fadden

Discussing the lives of mothers and general issues of parenthood from a feminist perspective in Montreal and beyond. Airs the 3rd Thursday of the month from 6-7pm.

In The Motherhood is a collective radio show based in Montreal, Quebec. You can also follow us at www.facebook.com/ckutmotherhood

As a collective we are always looking for new voices, fresh perspectives and hot topics in and about "the motherhood." You can contact us at inthemotherhood@ckut.ca - come hang with us in the studio, talk with us about parenting, submit some of your writing or recordings or suggest some topics you'd like us to explore - maybe even make radio with us!

(External site link.)

Favoriting July 17, 2024: Free City Radio: Voices for housing justice, OBORO centre, April 2024, Montreal

Listen to a community panel discussion that took place in April 2024 at OBORO centre on the housing crisis in Montreal and the ways that the creative voice and arts is being worked into community organizing to address the crisis. The live panel was hosted and recorded by Stefan Christoff for community radio broadcast. The first broadcast is Wednesday, July 17 at 6pm eastern time live on CKUT 90.3 FM, streaming globally at ckut.ca

This event included the participation of the following people and organizations all of whom you hear on the broadcast. The accompanying photo is of Dru Oja Jay, one of the panelists participating in the event and broadcast recording. The photo is taken by Amru Salahuddien. These are the speakers:

Chris Brown, Comm-un comm-un.org

Hubert Gendron-Blais, Réverbérations d’une crise: une enquête sonore sur le logement www.reverberationscriselogement.org

Dru Oja Jay, SEIZE - Solidarity Economy Incubation www.solidarityeconomy.ca

Jonathan Lebire, Comm-un

Joseph Sannicandro, Réverbérations d’une crise: une enquête sonore sur le logement

Speranza Spir, OBORO www.oboro.net

Moh Abdalreza Zadeh, Comm-un

This panel took place with support from the Social Justice Centre.

Listen to this show: Pop-up listenListen | Download


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