Hosted by:
Everything from old school Afro-beat to the latest Zouk, stand up comedy, audio documentaries, community updates, and some of the deepest dives into current Black & world events.
Hosted by Preach, the Executive Director of Kalmunity - Canada’s largest & longest running urban improv collective - the Lunchtime Takeover is a spontaneous mix of everything from old school Afro-beat to the latest Zouk, stand up comedy, audio documentaries, community updates and some of the deepest dives into current Black & world events.
Fill your lunchbox every week with the best in urban music from home & abroad, get the news you need to know, laugh at a few jokes, meet guests you’ve never met before & have a mini work party that just might get you fired! (Don’t say you haven’t been warned!)
Every Tuesday
Noon - 2pm
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Bøss' Beat'M∆§T£ker's M∆k£R'§!!;
As a Kool kid 😎 Allway stay Tunnin with y'all for Kool Running Thursday Noon with my bodies From CkUT Our beautiful MTL! family
The Old DZig dZāg dZŌNG !! Rock the Beat move through the Airwaves, Can't wait to Ride this On Night'sLong