Space Plane Favoriting : Playlist from March 12, 2025

Hosted by:

Tony Ezzy

Music mixes by the host, Tony, and his somewhat eclectic musical taste, as well as comedic skits and radio dramas about the occult, outer space, beings from other spheres, and general matters not relating to the earth plane.

The program veers away from “earthly” topics like money, economics, industry, commercialism, and worldly ambition as pursued by secular man. Space Plane emphasizes music recorded for music’s sake and not for the advancement of an artist’s fame, or any particular fashion trend. Most of these artists fit into the jazz, gospel, or rhythm and blues categories.

Every Wednesday Midnight - 2am (EDT)

Favoriting March 12, 2025

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Program image Favoriting
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  Generated by KenzoDB, written by Ken Garson