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& & &Radio is Dead is a space to foster and showcase creative and experimental radio production by amateur and veteran CKUT volunteers. The broadcasts are often improvised live in the studio and can contain anything from recent digital audio editing experiments, sound collages, electroacoustic compositions, no-input mixer jams, analog effects chain tests, homemade synthesizer workouts... basically anything that involves playing with audio signals.
Every Monday
2 - 3pm
February 21, 2022: Sojourns in Space, Episode 3: In Grudax We Trust
Praise be, brethren! The Gods of this insane universe have made themselves known, and the Dudes are only pawns in their ineffable schemes of glaziery, landscaping, and platypi. Meanwhile, the witches go to extreme (and morally questionable) lengths to catch their quarry, and an unfunny joke is repeated several times, which does not make it any funnier.
Guest starring Matthew Erskine.
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