Other Worlds on Earth

A radio show of unapologetic romanticism and utopian yearning for people with unlimited vision. Expect deep dives into counter-culture, counter-history, altered states, ethnobotany, radical anthropology, esoteric explorations, and other worlds on Earth.

Airs the first Thursday of the month from 8-9pm Eastern.

To contact the host: otherworldsonearth@pm.me

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Archives from 2024

  • Favoriting
    July 4, 2024: We discuss the important case of Peppy and Krystal, who are facing severe repression over their alleged association with a protest in defense of the trans community. Later on, we explore a famous experiment investigating psychokinesis. | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    June 6, 2024: A walk on Mont Royal while discussing the placebo effect, summoning spirits, the temporary autonomous zone of the Tam-Tams, different uses and expressions of authority, and some live updates from a McGill building occupation in solidarity with Palestine. | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    May 2, 2024: The mystery of the placebo effect, explored through the lenses of western medicine, cynicism, psychedelics, revolution, shamanism, faith healing, and spirituality more broadly. | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    April 4, 2024: Cannabis as understood through the lenses of Carl Sagan, cartoons, gift economies, graffiti, escapism, and more. | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    February 1, 2024: The first episode! A deep dive into the UFO question, with particular attention to events in 2023/2024. What does the UFO phenomenon mean for us politically, culturally, spiritually? | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download