Other Worlds on Earth

A radio show of unapologetic romanticism and utopian yearning for people with unlimited vision. Expect deep dives into counter-culture, counter-history, altered states, ethnobotany, radical anthropology, esoteric explorations, and other worlds on Earth.

Airs the first Thursday of the month from 8-9pm Eastern.

To contact the host: otherworldsonearth@pm.me

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Archives from 2024

  • Favoriting
    October 3, 2024: A return to the alien topic, with a focus this time on those who have claimed close encounters with aliens. We discuss if we can learn anything interesting from these stories, regardless of whether we take them as literal fact. | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    September 5, 2024: A discussion of the ideas of the french anarchist anthropologist Pierre Clastres and the essay The Shamanic Trace, which expands on those ideas in new directions. How can we track the anti-authoritarian impulse throughout history? | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    August 1, 2024: A discussion about tensions between different forms of knowledge, the capitalist influence on food, and examples of foods that escape control, as we might hope to do. | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    July 4, 2024: We discuss the important case of Peppy and Krystal, who are facing severe repression over their alleged association with a protest in defense of the trans community. Later on, we explore a famous experiment investigating psychokinesis. | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    June 6, 2024: A walk on Mont Royal while discussing the placebo effect, summoning spirits, the temporary autonomous zone of the Tam-Tams, different uses and expressions of authority, and some live updates from a McGill building occupation in solidarity with Palestine. | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    May 2, 2024: The mystery of the placebo effect, explored through the lenses of western medicine, cynicism, psychedelics, revolution, shamanism, faith healing, and spirituality more broadly. | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    April 4, 2024: Cannabis as understood through the lenses of Carl Sagan, cartoons, gift economies, graffiti, escapism, and more. | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download
  • Favoriting
    February 1, 2024: The first episode! A deep dive into the UFO question, with particular attention to events in 2023/2024. What does the UFO phenomenon mean for us politically, culturally, spiritually? | Playlist | Pop-up listenListen | Download