One of a kind Toronto-based “twee band” Cootie Catcher – currently rolling out singles for their upcoming album “Shy at first” – visited the CKUT music office this fall to play a jelly-filled 5 song set.
Crucial Spanish spoken punk coming from St Johns, Newfoundland. After a couple of years after their formation and a couple of line up changes they came to Montreal in the context of Noise not Borders fest, where they played this couple of tracks live @ CKUT.
From the legendary Steelpan players of Expo ’67 to the vibrant singers of Reggae, Dancehall, R&B, and Gospel, these pioneers share their reflections on what it meant to seed an art form in a new home.
Representatives from the Trans Patient Union hit the air live with Onyx on CKUT’s long-running feminist/queer music program Venus Radio.
In their own words, “Hold Fast” is about surrender, resilience, ancestry, heartbreak (and all its transformative powers), womanhood, unravelling, and guinea pigs. It’s about BC and it’s about Montreal.
Check in with THT Entertainment – their Whose Vibe Is It Anyways shows have been a regular fixture at the station over the last couple years, featuring tons of local artists getting a chance to shine on the air.