Sojourns in Slumberland

CKUT presents a radio drama like no other. Every season features brain-tickling, genre-bending storytelling by Fred Azeredo, performed by an array of voice actors.

Aurora, Texas, 1934.

Young Lotte Lerman lives a shadow-life, halfway between reality and dream. But this spell is soon broken by a horrifying tragedy that seems to have its roots in another world. Cut adrift from the waking world entirely, Lotte finds herself on a journey through a nightmare of Depression-era America, searching for the one thing she can’t bear to live without. On the way she’ll run into flying saucers, rail-riding killers, cartomancers with secrets to keep, and who knows what else? Only one thing is certain— nothing will ever be the same.

This is SOJOURNS IN SLUMBERLAND, written and directed by Fred Azeredo, starring Dana Prather, Alice Wu, Zoe Heffring, Carmen Mancuso, and Fred Azeredo.

Episode 1 aired today on Radio Is Dead – you can listen via our archives here, or as a podcast below:

Fans of Sojourns in Slumberland are advised to check out Season 1 of the series, Sojourns in Space: